move abroad!

Your passport to freedom

Are you tired of monotonous routine? Dreaming of the freedom to live and work on your own terms? With a work-life balance others envy?

Shake off the shackles of convention and embrace the adventure of location independence. 

Design your
LOCATION INDEPENDENT LIFESTYLE® and live the life of your dreams

I want to live abroad.

How can I do that?

Your international success story starts here

Do you dream of having the flexibility and the freedom to design your own life. To create your own work-life balance, and experience the beauty of the world at the same time?

If you're ready to trade the ordinary for the extraordinary, it's time to design your location independent lifestyle. 

You've come to the right place to help you change your future!

Design a life that fits you and your unique dreams.

Change your life?

Are you fed up with the same old routine of your nine-to-five job? Desperate to leave the rat race?

Location independent job!

Reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and increase satisfaction with life overall by changing your work model

Accompanying partner?

Embarking on a life overseas as an accompanying partner (AKA trailing spouse) and wondering what you can do for work in a new country?

Reclaim and retain your identity!

Accompanying a partner and moving overseas with a portable career allows you to juggle different elements of your new life, and stay connected to your own self.

Create a life of freedom
Own your present, and your future.
Embrace self-expression and your identity.
Live a life full of adventure and fulfilment!

location independence for all!

The pandemic forced a massive change onto the world of work and location. Work from home swiftly became the norm, and many chose to work from anywhere in the world.

The rise of technology and innovation has enabled more and more people to embrace this lifestyle. And it’s not all dependent upon a 'laptop lifestyle', or living as a digital nomad. There's so much more to it than that.

If you’re an accompanying partner AKA 'trailing spouse', you can reclaim and retain your identity by having your own business that travels as well as you do.

Breaking free from the constraints of a traditional in-person or office job mean you have the freedom to be at home anywhere.

Supporting anyone who wants to move abroad. I have the experience and knowledge to help you design the life of your dreams and to live life on your own terms.

Unlock your global potential and embrace a life of adventure

Discover a whole new world of boundless opportunities across boundaries

Freedom and flexibility to live the life you want, anywhere in the world.


Create the life you dream about. Take full control of your future: global-optional.


Reclaim and retain your self identity and sense of purpose if you regularly move around.

Move and live abroad

I'm not just about location independence - oh no!

You get the full package with me!

I can offer you insight, information and advice about moving and living overseas too. It's what I've been doing for years.

Location independence is the ideal way to ensure you're fully empowered to move abroad and live the life you dream about. 

So, if you are considering a move overseas, and want advice, help in making the decision, planning, and, well - everything - I'm the one person you need to help make it happen for you. 

The world is your oyster and it's time for you to find the pearl!

“Carole just gets it - she can relate and has such a wealth of knowledge and life experience in being an expat; relocating many times, having kids, and relocating them, and a partner who works away, not taking the traditional route and so being different to those around her."

E.B - 1-1 Client

About Carole

Carole Hallett Mobbs is an Expat Life Mentor and Consultant who created ExpatChild in 2012. She's written two books and many, many thousands of words about moving and living overseas.

In 2020, she launched the Expatability Chat Podcast so she could talk about it too!

Having travelled extensively for pleasure and work, she also lived overseas for 12 years before moving back to the UK. Carole has been there, done that, and got more t-shirts than you could imagine.

Now she helps anyone searching for location independence build a successful life, career and family around the globe.

The first chapter of your location independent life story starts here!

Free Download

A Bumper List of Location Independent Jobs

Unlock your global potential now so you can live and work anywhere in the world. 

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